The Lead Guide Society

Learn the art of the guide and join our society

Feel the rhythm of a guide in a 21st-century classroom. Develop the mindsets, skills, and practices of a world-class guide within a school or program using a Flex blended-learning model.


You've come to the right place.

You're creating an in-person school but don't want to (or can't) staff it with conventional teachers. I can help you. This is my specialty and passion.

I'll help you accelerate your workforce preparation and ensure that you have a supportive society of friends.

Flex models empower students to self-direct their learning without depending on an in-person teacher to deliver each lecture or lesson. This disruptive innovation allows the teacher's role to shift from "sage on the stage" to "guide on the side." As you or your staff embrace this new teacher role, you will . . .

. . . unlock the magic of 1-on-1 coaching.

. . . find that differentiating instruction is simple and easy.

. . . leave behind teacher burnout and overwhelm.

. . . embed experiential learning into instruction.

. . . be living in integrity, knowing that your instructional model is advanced.

Heather Clayton Staker in a blue shirt on the beach

Join the Lead Guide Society

You need 21st-century guides, not conventional teachers. You want open mindsets, great coaching skills, and adults who can inspire students to self-direct their achievements.

Save yourself time by enrolling staff in the Lead Guide Society. This 7-week hybrid program takes place in three steps:

  1. Participants complete online modules from home.

  2. They attend a beautiful 1-week retreat in a state-of-the-art Flex studio to learn the art of the guide firsthand.

  3. They earn their Lead Guide Badge. Welcome to our society.


Now accepting waitlist registrations

Join the waitlist and you'll be the first to know when the Lead Guide Society program is ready for you.

When you sign up, I'll send you weekly emails with free tools, as well as news about the Lead Guide Society. Unsubscribe at any time.

Three photos of guides working at tables by the beach